The University of Iowa


World Premiere. Co-choreographed by its performers, Soil investigates crises in three Southeast Asian cultures while exploring transnational, East-West identities via personal narratives and choreography. Co-creator Michael Sakamoto is a Professor of Dance at the University of Iowa.

The Joffrey Ballet

Hancher is proud to present special preview performances of the Joffrey Ballet’s new rendition of The Nutcracker. Featuring choreography by Christopher Wheeldon and an updated story and art by Brian Selznick, this Nutcracker is set in Chicago during the 1893 World’s Fair.

Step Afrika!

The Migration, Step Afrika!’s new signature work, is based on Jacob Lawrence’s iconic series of paintings charting the African-American movement from south to north in the early 1900s.

Lucky Plush Productions

Lucky Plush transforms the dull and passive act of waiting in an airport into a humorous and dynamic performance featuring dance, theater, and live music. The Queue blends slapstick comedy, Busby Berkeley-esque choreography, and contemporary dance.

The Joffrey Ballet

The longstanding relationship between Hancher and the Joffrey Ballet is a vibrant artistic partnership. In its latest incarnation, in the intimate Space Place Theater, the Joffrey dancers will present chamber works highlighting their artistry. Joffrey Artistic Director Ashley Wheater will provide insight into the evening’s works, which will include choreography by James Kudelka, Yuri Possokhov, Stanton Welch, Edwaard Liang, and Christopher Wheeldon.

Supported by John and Sue Strauss.

Healing Wars

Liz Lerman—among the most innovative and fearless choreographers of our time—investigates healers in the heart of warfare. Grounded in the Civil War but reflecting upon conflicts to the present day, Healing Wars is a multimedia experience featuring an ensemble of dancers and actors.