The University of Iowa


Since Riverdance first emerged onto the world stage, its fusion of Irish and international dance and music has captured the hearts of millions worldwide.

Nachte Raho 2024

The University of Iowa's Indian Student Alliance proudly presents its Bollywood Fusion dance competition, Nachte Raho. This is an elite competition challenging selected teams from across the nation to showcase a blend of Indian dance styles with western styles and music. 

Doors open at 6:00 p.m.

Nachte Raho Website


Ayodele Casel

With Rooted, Ayodel Casel, tap dancer and choreographer traces the roots of her artform, building on a rich history while forging the future. We'll sum up with the Times' assessment of Casel: "She's astonishing." 

Martha Graham Dance Company

Martha Graham radically expanded the dance vocabulary, and her work has captivated audiences worldwide while influencing generations of artists. The program will open with Graham's Panorama, performed by more than 20 student dancers from the University of Iowa Dance Department. 

Dance Gala

Dance Gala 2023 celebrates its return to the Hancher stage with new and restaged works by faculty members and creative collaborators as well as a work by distinguished guest choreographer Aaron Samuel Davis.