Amir ElSaffar in Conversation with Professor Lisa Schlesinger
Tuesday, February 6, 2018, 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Unraveling & Mending: Art as Political Witness—An Obermann Conversation
Co-presented with the Obermann Center for Advanced Studies
Amir ElSaffar (jazz musician and Hancher guest artist) and Professor Lisa Schlesinger (UI Theatre Department) will share their journeys as artist-activists whose work interprets strife and crisis for audiences that may feel removed from such global events. What tools do artists have to elucidate violence and injustice that might feel distant or even unimportant to some audiences? What can musicians, theater makers, and other artists add to conversations that might otherwise be relegated to politicians?
More information at https://obermann.uiowa.edu/programs/obermann-conversations/unraveling-mending-art-political-witness%E2%80%94-obermann-conversation.
Free and open to the public.