The University of Iowa

Thank you. 

We thank our 2024–2025 Partners for their unwavering loyalty and crucial support. Their generosity enables us to bring the world's finest performing artists to university students, staff, our community, and the region. 


François M. & Doris E. Abboud 
Terry & Johanna Abernathy in honor of Chuck Swanson 
Kent & Kay Ackerson 
Lee & Kazi Alward 
Barrie Anderson 
Loretta Angerer (1924–2024)
Anonymous Donors 
Artemus Bush-Helen Jones Trust 
Dale & Linda (1946–2023) Baker 
Douglas & Linda Behrendt 
Jo Ann Bell in memory of Jim Bell 
John & Carrie Bernat 
Loanna and Orville Bloethe/HLV Community School Fund 
Warren & Maryellen Boe 
Paula O. Brandt 
Jeff & Sara Braverman 
Kay Braverman (1944 - 2025) & Mace Braverman (1931 - 2024)
Amy Kristof-Brown & Ken Brown 
Alicia Brown-Matthes 
John & Ellen Buchanan 
Richard & Ann Burton 
Mary K. Calkin (1925–2024) 
Norma & David Carlson 
Wendy Carter & Don Heistad in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Preucil School
Joe & Rachel Christopher 
City of Iowa City 
Charles Richard & Barbara S. Clark 
Nicholas and Kay Colangelo 
Dale & Cyndy Crider 
Brad & Peggy Davis 
The Chris & Suzy DeWolf Family 
William Dickinson 
Peggy Doerge 
Mary & Patrick Dreckman 
Edward & Linda Dykstra 
Jack & Nancy Evans 
Everybody's Whole Foods 
Michael S. & Renee Favo 
John & Randee Fieselmann 
Ed & Patricia Folsom 
Bruce Gantz 
The Gazette 
Miriam Gilbert 
Graduate Iowa City  
Luke & Hillary Granfield 
GreenState Credit Union 
George A. & Barbara J. Grilley 
Mitchell & Melanie Gross 
Peter & Vera Gross 
Brent Hadder 
Leonard & Marlene Hadley 
Hancher Showcase/Hancher Guild 
Kevin & Pat Hanick 
John Harper 
Bruce & Melanie Haupert 
Vernon Hein Fund 
Donald W. Heineking  
Hills Bank  
Albert B. & Jean M. (1931–2022) Hood 
H. Dee & Myrene Hoover 
Jim & Judy Houghton 
Michael & Jennifer Hummel 
Richard & Judith Hurtig 
Terry & Jone Johnson 
Larry G and Ann Howard Jones Vocal Residency  
Kris Jones 
William & Susan Jones 
Will & Wendy Keen 
Kevin & Mary Jo Keith 
Kids Go to Hancher Fund 
Kenneth K. Kinsey Family Foundation 
Larry & Sandy Klosterman 
Jean Koch 
John (1945–2024) & Patricia Koza 
Tim & Sarah Krumm 
Jon & Carma Kuhl 
Karl Kundel & Allison Kundel 
Mary Jo & John Langhorne 
Robert J. & Sue B. Latham 
Bryan & Jan Lawler 
Michael & Chelle Lehman 
Valdean (1935–2024) & Lois Lembke  
Lensing Funeral & Cremation Service 
Russ Lenth & Jane DeWitt 
Jones Lewis Charitable Fund 
Little Village 
Jerry & Carol Litton 
Ed & Ann Lorson 
Lowell A. Luhman, M.D. 
Mark & Fran Lundy 
Nancy Lynch 
Peter & Anne Matthes 
Yvonne McCabe 
David McCartney & James Petersen 
McGrath Family of Dealerships 
The McIntyre Foundation 
John R. Menninger 
Mary & Jim Merchant 
Mary Mixdorf 
Kevin & Julie Monson  
Frank & Jill Morriss 
Jerry & Judy Musser 
Margaret Neumann 
Neumann Monson Architects, Inc.  
Jeffrey & Kristine Nielsen 
Oaknoll Retirement Residence 
Gregg Oden & Lola Lopes 
Michael W. O’Hara & Jane Engeldinger 
Bertha Olin and the Olin Family 
OPN Architects, Inc. 
Gary & Nancy Pacha 
Parsons Family  
Douglas & Linda Paul  
Chuck Peters  
Mary Ann Peters 
Bob Rakel 
John Raley/American Family Insurance 
Robert & Cheryl Reardon 
Alan & Amy Reed 
Chip & Michelle Reeves 
Dr. Ronald and Sue Reider 
Herm & L. Dianne Reininga 
David & Noreen Revier 
The Rice & Terry Family in memory of Tim Terry 
Jean E. & Renée Robillard   
Tom Rocklin & Barbara McFadden 
Gerald & Nancy Rose 
Jo Ellen Ross 
Bill Rubright in loving memory of Karen G. Rubright & Emilie J. Rubright 
Jeff & Susan Sailors 
Frank & Mary Scamman 
Steve & Janie Schomberg 
Ralph Schultz Family Foundation 
Charlotte & Rudy Schulz Director's Fund 
Marvin & Helen Schumacher 
Thomas R. Scott 
Nancy J. Sereduck 
Aaron and Lisa Shileny  
Shive-Hattery Architecture + Engineering 
Richard & Vicki Siefers 
John & Dyan Smith 
Jim Spevak 
Daniel R. & Beth Holden Stence 
Anna & Jeff Stone 
Edwin & Mary Stone 
Strauss Family 
Lyse Strnad & Tom Leavenworth 
Kristin E. Summerwill 
Suzanne Summerwill & James Flitz 
W. Richard & Joyce Summerwill 
Diane & Mel Sunshine 
Alan & Liz Swanson 
The Chuck Swanson Executive Directorship of Hancher Auditorium Fund 
Mary Susan Taylor 
Think Iowa City 
James & Robin Torner 
Dick & Buffie Tucker 
Douglas & Vance Van Daele 
Rhoda Vernon (1926–2024)
Bill Waldie & Pat Heiden 
Anne Wallace & William Gay 
Stuart and Lynn Weinstein
Paul Weller & Sara Rynes-Weller 
Stephen & Victoria West  
West Music 
Ryan & Amanda West 
LaDonna & Gary Wicklund 
Ellen M. Widiss 
Candace Wiebener 
Derek & Pamela Willard  
Barbara Wilson & John Lammers 
James and Lena Wockenfuss 
Sara & Sherwood Wolfson Educational Fund 
Steve Wolken & Sue Montgomery Wolken 
George & Carrol Woodworth 
Patty & Steve Yeater 
Catherine Zaharis & Robert Michael 
Deborah & Rodney Zeitler 


For More Information: 

Devin van Holsteijn
Executive Director of Development
The University of Iowa Center for Advancement
(319) 467-3658