The Democracy! Suite and Wynton Marsalis
Part of United We Swing: Jazz and American History
We close with a special guest lecturer, as we return to Wynton Marsalis' The Democracy! Suite. As we weave together the strands of the previous five sessions, we will look at what Marsalis' writing shows us in terms of the legacy of the music, his role in preserving it, and what the continuum of jazz shows us about healthy communication, leadership, and democratic ideals.
Part of the United We Swing: Jazz and American History series presented by Jazz at Lincoln Center.
Dive into Wynton Marsalis’ work The Democracy! Suite and hear the septet in action:
Audio in Multiple Digital Formats, Outlets: https://orcd.co/democracysuite
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKWblkxNNGU&list=PLqhIRO8y9HlDbI9dBR2NY3...
Todd Stoll, our guest for the evening, also spoke at length about the seminal septet work Live at the Village Vanguard. While physical copies are the way to go for liner notes and personnel details, the set can be hard to find. It is available on Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/album/59Ug4upXMB1sIkzFpJSKvr?si=crD94VoAQqWREJi...) and you can find some of the liner note material on Wynton’s website (https://wyntonmarsalis.org/discography/title/live-at-village-vanguard)
Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact Paris Young in advance at (319) 467-4849 or at paris-sissel@uiowa.edu.