Pomp, Brass, and Lunacy!
Tomáš Kubínek with Orchestra Iowa, University Choirs, and Very Special Guest Wycliffe Gordon
This performance is a Group I event - a 20% discount is applied when five or more Hancher events are purchased at the same time. More about event discounts.
Hancher Commission
Neo-vaudevillian and Hancher favorite Tomáš Kubínek returns to wrestle with Maestro Timothy Hankewich and Orchestra Iowa in this Hancher-commissioned collision of classical music and comedy. For this go ’round, Kubínek and the orchestra will be joined by University Choirs under the direction of Dr. Timothy Stalter. Jazz trombonist Wycliffe Gordon—himself no stranger to Hancher audiences—will also join in the tussle. Can Gordon and the maestro keep Kubínek under control? We sincerely doubt it.
Season Sponsor: WEST MUSIC
Event Sponsors:
Robert F. and Judith C. Boyd
James and Loretta Clark
Jordan L. and Jana E. Cohen
Jeffrey R. and Tammy S. Tronvold

Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact Paris Young in advance at (319) 467-4849 or at paris-sissel@uiowa.edu.