Thank you for your interest in the Hancher graphic design assistant position! This is a quarter-time position (10 hours / week) starting as soon as possible, continuing into the spring semester, and possibly even longer than that, depending on your availability and your ongoing status as a UI student.
In order to get a sense of your skill set, I'd like to propose a design challenge: to design a fictional web ad for The Joffrey Ballet's Nutcracker for the web site Little Village, and have it match the look and feel of the other web ads from this season. If you would like to design a couple of different options, that is fine.
Please email me your design before the time of your interview, so we can look at it together during the interview.
All work designed for this activity remains your own.
Ad specs
- 270 x 270 px
- Static (not an animated .gif)
- .jpg, .gif, or .png – whichever looks the best while still yielding a small (< 60k) file
- Should fit in with the other ads from this season (see first downloadable .zip below)
Source materials
- Other Little Village web ads (for reference):
- Nutcracker photos:
- Hancher and UI logos:
- Fonts:
Ad copy
The Joffrey Ballet
The Nutcracker
Saturday, December 12 at 7:30 pm
Space Place Theater
North Hall, UI Campus
[Hancher logo] [UI logo]
If you have any questions or problems downloading the files, contact me at zoe-woodworth@uiowa.edu or (319) 335-1135.
Thanks! I look forward to seeing what you can do.