Dance Gala
In Motion
Dance Gala 2019 celebrates its 38th anniversary with In Motion, featuring new work created by distinguished Department of Dance faculty and guest artists of Urban Bush Women, a dance company that encourages civic engagement and social accountability through art. The program will also include an appearance by the University of Iowa’s enigmatic Laptop Orchestra.
Choreography by Jennifer Kayle, with thanks to the cast for collaborative movement development
Digital media design by Daniel Fine
With original music by Joseph Norman, Jonathan Wilson, and Jean-François Charles
The Reaping 6.7
Choreography by Christopher-Rasheem McMillian, in deep collaboration with the dancers
Dream the Wall Away
Choreography by Eloy Barragán, in collaboration with the dancers
With an original score composed by Pieta Brown, Brendan Hanks, Modei Akyea, Eben Seaman
Struggle for Pleasure
Choreography by Armando Duarte, in collaboration with the dancers
With original music composed by Joseph Norman and a live performance by the Laptop Orchestra at the University of Iowa under the musical direction of Jean-François Charles
Out of the Depths
Choreography by Kristin Marrs
Women’s Resistance excerpt from Les écailles de la mémoire (The Scales of Memory) (2008)
Choreography by Jawole Willa Jo Zollar and Germaine Acogny, in collaboration with the original cast
Iowa City Press-Citizen is the proud media sponsor of Dance Gala 2019.

Poised in the shadows both on and offstage, lunging under the stage lights, and speaking stories wherein movement is the teller, the UI Department of Dance’s annual Dance Gala, entitled *In Motion,* transported Hancher Auditorium into a night of magic.

Dance Gala is returning to Hancher, bringing with it themes of growth and change. The event, which at one point would draw upwards of 2,000 attendees to the venue, has only been held inside the venerable theater once since it had to be rebuilt after the destructive 2008 floods.

Dance Gala 2019 celebrates its 38th anniversary with “In Motion,” featuring new work created by University of Iowa Department of Dance faculty and guest artists from Urban Bush Women, a dance company that encourages civic engagement and social accountability through art.
Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact Paris Young in advance at (319) 467-4849 or at paris-sissel@uiowa.edu.